
April 25, 2023

What Does A Home Inspector Even Look At?

In Texas, the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) sets the standards for home inspections, including the SOP. Here’s what you need to know about the Texas home inspection SOP’s.

Scope of the Inspection

The first thing to understand is that the Texas home inspection SOP’s define the scope of the inspection. This means they outline what the home inspector is required to inspect and what they’re not required to inspect.

According to the Texas home inspection SOP’s, a home inspector must inspect the following:

  • The foundation, basement, and crawlspace
  • The roof, attic, and visible insulation
  • The walls, ceilings, and floors
  • The doors, windows, and trim
  • The kitchen appliances
  • The heating, cooling, and ventilation systems
  • The plumbing and electrical systems
  • The fireplace and chimney
  • The built-in appliances

The inspector is not required to inspect anything that is not readily accessible, such as items that are obstructed or concealed, or anything that is not a part of the main structure of the home.

Methodology of the Inspection

In addition to defining the scope of the inspection, the Texas home inspection SOP’s also outline the methodology that the inspector must follow. This includes the following:

  • The inspector must visually inspect accessible systems and components.
  • The inspector must operate a representative number of accessible components.
  • The inspector must report any defects found during the inspection.
  • The inspector must provide a written report of the inspection to the client.

The Texas home inspection SOP’s do not require the inspector to perform any invasive testing or dismantling of any systems or components. They also do not require the inspector to determine the life expectancy of any systems or components.

Qualifications of the Inspector

Finally, the Texas home inspection SOP’s outline the qualifications that a home inspector must have to perform a home inspection in Texas. Specifically, the inspector must be licensed by the Texas Real Estate Commission and must have completed a minimum of 448 hours of classroom training.

In addition, the inspector must pass a written exam and meet certain experience requirements. The Texas home inspection SOP’s also require inspectors to complete continuing education courses to keep their license current.


If you’re buying or selling a home in Texas, it’s important to understand the Texas home inspection SOP’s. These rules and guidelines set the standards for home inspections in Texas, including the scope of the inspection, the methodology that the inspector must follow, and the qualifications that the inspector must have.

By understanding the Texas home inspection SOP’s, you can ensure that your home inspection is conducted properly and that you receive a thorough and accurate report of the home’s condition.

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